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Mother and Daughter

request for aid

In order for Womenade of Concord to provide assistance, Community Validators must complete the request form. Only confirmed Womenade of Concord Community Validators can complete requests for aid.

Family Portrait

Who is a Community Validator?

A Community Validator is someone working with an individual or family who can verify their need and eligibility for assistance from Womenade of Concord, and who will make the request on their behalf. Examples of our Community Validators include but are not limited to, social service providers, counselors, case managers, school nurses, clergy and more.


To submit requests for assistance, Community Validators must complete the Womenade of Concord Request for Aid Form with all necessary supporting documentation for approval.

providing assistance

It is our mission to provide immediate short-term financial assistance up to $500 to as many people in our service area as possible. Because of that, we are only able to fulfill each individual request once per year up to a maximum of $500. Please note: We are not a long-term solution and are unable to provide financial assistance for long-term needs. 


If you would like to be considered as a Community Validator for Womenade of Concord and you work within a social service organization serving those who reside in Concord, Bow, Penacook, Hopkinton, Chichester, Boscawen, Contoocook, Pembroke or Loudon, please contact us. We consider out-of-area requests on a case by case basis.

Request Approval

When requests are approved, Womenade of Concord will pay the vendor directly on behalf of the individual or family in need. Individual items will also be purchased by Womenade of Concord and will be provided to the Community Validator for distribution. 


To help expedite the approval process, please follow our Request Form Checklist when submitting for aid.

Out-of-area requests

Womenade of Concord considers out-of-area requests on a case by case basis if there are no other organizations available to provide assistance. There may be other New Hampshire Womenade's in your service area who may be able to assist.

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